BPM - a flexible platform for process automation and robotization
Each user who logs in to the application starts his work with reading important information, such as: news (to read), tasks (to be completed), current status (dashboards). New users are greeted with a tutorial that introduces them in an interactive way to the basic functionalities of the system and shows step by step how to click and where to find helpful information. Individual elements of the interface (buttons, form fields, tasks) are provided with hints, thanks to which the user will never ask the questions “what to enter here?”, “What will happen if I click here?”
Our system successfully works in organizations that carry out huge amounts of processes that generate large amounts of data. Log views of hundreds of thousands of records are no problem for us, and our optimization experts are constantly improving the already outstanding system performance.
Effective reporting
In addition to tasks, log views and e-mail notifications, access to information is possible through dedicated reports (statements, synthetic reports) and a dashboard on which the user can place components presenting key information for him, synthesized and presented in the form of charts, rankings, etc.
During the operation of the system, it is possible to add further report definitions and expand the system with additional dashboard elements developed especially on the client’s request.

Thanks to dedicated modules, end users do not need to know all internal regulations and details of the business processes they implement. Dynamic prompted forms and a tutorial mechanism mean that new employees can start using the application quickly and efficiently and carry out their tasks efficiently in the organization. The user initiating the case (incident notification, vacation request, etc.) does not need to know what data should be entered and to whom to refer the case to. What’s more, thanks to the always up-to-date organizational structure and an extensive mechanism of roles, tasks will always go to the right people.
Many BPM modules were created to support experts responsible for document supervision, security and other key areas of the organization’s operations. All the runs have been designed so that the expert / coordinator enters the key data needed to start working in a given module, and then entrusts tasks to people with the necessary knowledge (e.g. asset owners). These people, using their knowledge, supply the system with data, which are then collected / aggregated and transferred to the coordinator. The coordinator verifies the quality of the data, generates relevant reports for the management and plans further actions, if required. Thanks to such a dispersion of tasks, we minimize the amount of work necessary to effectively carry out organisationally complex processes (e.g. updating documentation, risk analysis, etc.). Coordinators do not have to send hundreds of e-mails, ask for information and manually collect information from individual business areas.
Thanks to an extensive system of inheriting rights depending on the organizational structure, people in managerial positions have ongoing access to data entered by their subordinates. They can check what tasks in the system are performed by people in their organizational unit at any time. Thanks to personalized dashboards, the manager can immediately see the situation and prevent delays.
In everyday work, not only the tasks that the system informs about via e-mail are important when they are received. In BPM, you can make an important element (document / letter / event) available for inspection to a selected person or even the entire organizational unit with one click and decide whether these persons are to be notified about such an element. Notification takes place through the news mechanism (information about new elements after entering the system) and a cyclical newsletter that sends users information about new products (but only when new elements have arrived). In addition, it is possible to verify who is already familiar with a given element, and even force conscious confirmation of reading key documents and regulations.
High-level management, in addition to the implementation of the most important tasks (approval / approval of analysis results, submitting applications to the Management Board, etc.), can keep track of key parameters of the organization’s operation, such as: key indicators, new high operational risks, timely implementation of tasks, key incidents and many others.
Our offer includes several dozen ready-made modules that can be attached to a working system at any time. The added modules integrate with the existing ones, ensuring smooth and consistent communication between individual areas.
What’s more, we often automate processes so specific for a given industry, or even for one client, that it is impossible to find a ready, better “tailored” solution on the market.
In everyday work, not only the tasks that the system informs about via e-mail are important when they are received. In BPM, you can make an important element (document / letter / event) available for inspection to a selected person or even the entire organizational unit with one click and decide whether these persons are to be notified about such an element. Notification takes place through the news mechanism (information about new elements after entering the system) and a cyclical newsletter that sends users information about new products (but only when new elements have arrived). In addition, it is possible to verify who is already familiar with a given element, and even force conscious confirmation of reading key documents and regulations.
When implementing our software, we often integrate it with other systems, from Active Directory, through Azure services (office 365, e-mail, calendars), to domain systems such as SAP. We connect to both Enterprise Service Buses and directly to individual systems. We use the latest standards (including OpenAPI, OAuth2), thanks to which communication between suppliers of individual systems is efficient and costs are much lower.
Data source for other systems
BPM is not only a tool that draws data from other systems, but also a reliable source of information for other systems. Customers use our system as the main source of information, incl. about:
- Organizational structure
- Agreements
- Documents and internal legal acts
- Risks and incidents
Data migration
As you know, data migration from such systems is always problematic. But not for us. Many times our clients have been delighted with the ease of data migration. It was enough to scan the catalog with documents or export the data from the old system, put them in the appropriate Excel file, fill in the missing attributes and import into BPM. We also face greater challenges. More than once, our team has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the source system database and developed dedicated data transformation algorithms, even when the system has long lost the manufacturer’s support and the organization has no employees who participated in its implementation.
By implementing BPM software, many of our clients could finally resign from outdated, often unstable and dangerous systems.
Data Clutter?
Many of our clients have faced the problem of data quality. For example, the same contractor is registered in several systems. And in one of them it occurs three times (each time described slightly differently). For this reason, it is impossible to clearly determine what relations connect the organization with a given entity, not to mention the exchange of data between systems. Moreover, such low quality of data carries the risk of concluding an important contract with a contractor who should be excluded from the procedure (e.g. due to a previously terminated contract), and this carries a serious risk, not only related to the implementation of a given project, but also legal risk in the event of announcing tenders.
To help our clients, we have added tools to BPM that facilitate the analysis of connections between data and the creation of additional connections between key objects. Our tool visualizes all explicit connections as well as return references to individual objects. Thanks to this, it is possible to properly mark duplicates and their subsequent merging or mapping during communication with other systems. Nowadays, efficient master data management is no longer just a good practice but a necessity.
Security and full accountability of activities
The authorization control mechanism used in the BPM application assumes that users have access only to system elements (menu tabs, documents, tasks, reports, starting processes, etc.) to which they have been authorized.
In the case of electronic documents resulting from workflow processes, access to them is automatically granted to users who participated in the process related to a given document. For example, in the application search engine a given user can only find applications that he submitted or participated in their processing (he / she performed any task related to the application).
Each attempt (both successful and unsuccessful) to read the document and download the attachment is recorded in system logs stored in the application database and in a dedicated file log (format adapted to analysis by SIEM systems). Thanks to this, it is possible to easily generate a report containing the history of users’ activity in connection with a given document (from a database) and to analyze the activity of system users in the context of potential security incidents (SIEM) on an ongoing basis.
How to manage it, i.e. always up-to-date structure
In BPM, you can independently model the organizational structure in two ways: using the diagram modeler[link do processa] or through the tree view, where changes are made by dragging and dropping individual objects (drag & drop). A structure developed in this way may constitute a reliable source of data for other systems.
If there is already a certain source of information about the structure in the organization (e.g. HR system), as part of the integration it is possible to import such data to BPM to a different extent. In the case of using Active Directory, you can supply the system with data about user accounts, thanks to which each new employee will gain basic access (SSO) to the system the next day after creating an account in AD. The task of the BPM administrator is to place new people in appropriate positions and, if necessary, to place them in appropriate roles.
If there is an efficiently managed HR system (or full information in AD), the organizational structure can be fully synchronized and thus the role of the BPM administrator can be limited to updating the personal composition of roles used in processes. We successfully integrate with various sources of structure and user data, from Active Directory to complete, recognized systems such as SAP HR.
Nothing is lost in BPM
The new system usually contains structured data and clear responsibilities. Unfortunately, over time, the organizational structure changes, people quit their jobs, cells are closed down and the “old” data slowly “loses” its place. As a standard, the system takes care of the implementation of tasks, even if the employee leaves the job (and he had already been assigned tasks). Each supervisor may redirect such tasks or undertake them and perform them on his own. Sometimes, however, the changes in the organizational structure and human resources are so large that there is no one to look after “orphaned” documents, contracts and other key data from the organizational point of view. Our system has been working for many customers for over 10 years and we know this problem very well. We have developed internal control mechanisms for data consistency with the organizational structure. A dedicated tool analyzes changes in the structure on a daily basis and checks if important documents are still related to current people / units / positions. All elements that have lost such connection as a result of the changes are immediately caught and directed to the appropriate people. Managers, directors and administrators have available registers of documents that need to be reassigned to new responsible ones and decide whether and to whom to assign them, or to leave the old values (historically), because a given record is only of archival significance.
What if I work with subcontractors?
Many of our clients carry out some of the processes not only within their organization, but also in cooperation with their business partners (key clients, subcontractors, people on a mandate contract). Our system can be made available to such users in a safe manner (with limited authorizations) and involve them directly in selected processes. Such users can connect to the internal network via VPN or use the portal via the Internet (using two-factor authentication). Of course, despite the fact that we regularly audit and improve our software in terms of security, we know that no system available on the Internet is 100% secure. Therefore, in such situations, we propose a two-server solution. The main server is available only on the internal network, and on the Internet we provide an external portal that stores only basic data about user accounts. The remaining data is obtained from the main server through a secure, filtered communication channel only for the duration of a given activity (preview of the document metric, task execution, download the contract for an opinion, etc.). Thanks to such architecture, we can share selected data with a strictly defined group of users without fear of losing the confidentiality of key data processed in other modules.

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