
Security Operations Center

The number of threats is growing by the minute. Therefore, to keep control of your business and prevent threatening attacks from outside, use Security Operations Center.

Security Operations Center (SOC) is protecting operations 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This means that our qualified team monitors your ICT infrastructure continuously. We analyze events in the ICT network and assess the activities of hostile units. We are ready for immediate response and action. In this way, we ensure the security of the company.

Demanding ransom, encrypting servers and preventing the organization from continuing to operate are examples of the effects of hacker attacks. Employees’ lack of awareness, and their mistakes, can also cause significant incidents. Do you want to protect yourself from them? Learn more about our SOC offering and how this service works.

Security Operations Center (SOC) is a comprehensive service for continuous monitoring of ICT infrastructure.

The purpose of the service is to constantly monitor ICT resources, detect the threat and take action to eliminate it. The service is implemented based on three key components human capital, technology and processes.


How exactly does the SOC work?

The SOC service focuses on monitoring infrastructure, identification events and managementąmanagementu incidentami. Our experts will provide your company with a security guarantee.

The process of SOC functioning

SOC own vs. SOC outsourcing graphics

You do not need to own ownaown SIEM, to use the service SOC. Zaprovide all the necessary tools, and you don’t have to buy a license.

If you decide to start your own SOC, we will help you build the right organization and implement a SIEM or SOAR system.

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Implementation of the SOC service

Proper functioning of the SOC requires its design and implementation. You can entrust this task to us, so that it goes into experienced hands. Our specialists will make sure that everything goes according to the plan agreed together in advance. Find out how the SOC implementation process works.

Implementation process
Do you want to deploy a Security Operations Center quickly and without upfront investment?
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